divendres, 15 d’abril del 2016


-When I finish the ESO I go to do a Formative Cicle of Medium Grade of Electrical mecànic at the ETG (Escola Tècnica de Girona).

I'ts a private school but is not very expensive, obiusly into the limits of a private school.

Now I have a one place for next year because the places is for who arrive before.

More later I don't know if I do the superior cicle because in that school you don't do the CAS ( Curs pont) and  the school have a own  Moto scuderia into the CEV (Campeonato e velocidad España) and other motorbike competitions.
Resultado de imagen de ETG

divendres, 1 d’abril del 2016


-Volcanic eruption-Erupció volcànica