dilluns, 20 d’octubre del 2014

What the weather like

 Today the weather is good.
 It's sun and i don't see clouds.
 In the street is very cold
 For autumn it is very well time.
 Every year the weather is more hot.

This past summer has been very hot compared to other year.

Last spring it rained a lot and was windy.

It's fall but seems spring .

The winter is very cold.

In past summer it is stormy.

dijous, 16 d’octubre del 2014

Description of the people are doing now

                  My mother is working in this moment.
                  My grandparents are watching TV in this house.
                  My uncle is in my grandpa house because he has operated recently.
                  My father  is sleeping in he's house of Uruguay.
                  My cousin is studying in Ies Montsacopa
                  I writing this redaction.
                  My brother is sleeping in my home.
                  My sister is sleeping with my brother.
                  My nigga is in english class in this moment.
                  My other oncle is working in Girona in this moment.


               Resultado de imagen de familias dibujos



dilluns, 13 d’octubre del 2014

A normal day in my life

                 I always gety up at 7:30 then, I get dressed.
                 Later I have breakfast and at 8:10 I go walk to school.
                 When I finish the school I go to my house and I get very hungry.
                I usualy arrive  home at 3:05. At 3:15 I eat and watch TV.
                At 4:30 I go to do homeworks until at 7:00.    
                Later, i go to have a shower and prepare the bag of school for tomorrow.
                At 8:30 or 9:00 o'clock I  have dinner.
                Finally at 10:00 o'clock I go to bed.

dimecres, 8 d’octubre del 2014

Bengal tiger


                                    A Bengal tiger lives in India.
                                   This animal don't live in Africa.

                                   Bengal tiger is carnivore.
                                   This colour is orange and black or write and black.
                                  A Bengal tiger is in danger extinction.

                                  This tiger up 3.5 m max.

                                  He live 10 or 11 years and no more.
                                 Bengal tiger has a long niles and long teeth.


dimecres, 1 d’octubre del 2014

My personal introduction

                           MY PERSONAL INTRODUCTION


            My name is Mateo and i live en Olot.I from Colonia del Sacramento (Uruguay),
             my father live there from three years ago.
            I've got two brothers:

           a boy 10 years old called Gabriel and a sister 8 years old called Sol.
           My brothers would like cats and dogs.
          I've bean a studient in Bosc de la coma, this high school is very fun but this
          is my third year, i'm very bad studient.
          I love cars and taekwondo, when I grow up I want to be mechanic and buy
          a classic mustang for fix.      
          I like music and meet friends.
          In my free time I like ride a bike, play videogames, repare classic cars with my
          uncle and my grandpa, and run.
          My hair is dark and I have brown eyes. I very high and very weak.